Samples for E-mails, Letters, and Phone Calls

Updated April 9, 2021


The following can be drafted in the form of e-mails or physical letters to be sent to any and all public elected officials in regard to vaccine passports. You can cycle through these sample letters and send various letters to the same officials, as a way of staying consistent. 

Also, consider sending letters to business groups such as Chambers of Commerce, who may encourage owners to implement a Passport requirement for entering. 

Lastly, at the end of this page you will see a series of talking points that will set a foundation for you to write your own letters, if you choose. 

The sample letters and talking points below were gathered from various groups for medical freedom who have given permission to use. HEAL NC is not responsible for accuracy of statements, grammar, punctuation, or the like for the following drafts. 

Letters Specifically Addressing Individual Rights

Sample letter 1

I am in awe that in the “Land of the Free” vaccine passports are now being considered and implemented. So we are returning to an era of “show me your papers”?! Have we learned nothing from history?! 

Further, the fact that so many businesses and local governments are already requiring it or considering it when it is ILLEGAL for them to require a product that is under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is extremely disturbing. 

Under Federal law, products issued with EUA (Emergency Use Only) MUST be able to be refused without penalty. If they are already not respecting current federal law, how can we feel comfortable handing more of our life over to the government - trusting them with our private medical information to have access to goods, services, and travel?! 

The government’s role is NOT to dictate my health. It is however, supposed to uphold the rights on which this country was founded upon. We need to refocus. 

I urge you to support any legislation that will prevent vaccine passports and oppose any legislation that would make them possible.

Thank you, 

Sample letter 2

Vaccine passports have no place in a free country or a free society. Our founders knew that for people to have liberty, the government's role must be limited. 

Mandating vaccines through vaccine passports is blatant discrimination and goes directly against our Constitutional rights under the Fifth Amendment - “no person… be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law…” 

People who choose to not be vaccinated are not criminals and do not deserve to have any rights stripped from them. 

I urge you to draw the line and oppose vaccine passports in any way, shape or form while supporting legislation that will prevent vaccine passports from coming to North Carolina. 

Thank you, 

Sample Letter 3

Covid-19 vaccines are experimental, still in the middle of clinical trials, as they are issued under Emergency Use Authorization (EUO). As Federal law stipulates, products under EUA must be able to be refused without penalty. 

To withhold goods, services, and travel for not participating in a medical procedure is unethical and inhumane. 

Vaccine passports directly violate the Nuremberg Code - subjects undergoing medical procedures MUST be given informed consent. Informed consent is lost when under threat of loss of rights or access to goods and services. 

It is imperative that you oppose vaccine passports and see to it that they become prohibited in North Carolina. 

Give vaccine passports the BOOT! 

Thank you, 

Sample letter 4

Studies have identified individuals who are at significant risk of adverse effects of Covid-19. The vast majority of the population are not at risk for severe outcomes of SARS-Cov-2 infection, meaning vaccination for the general public is not necessary. 

A world in which the government and businesses closely monitor citizens’ healthcare choices and effectively ban healthy citizens from full social participation because they weigh the risks of a vaccine differently or decline a proposed course of treatment is unconstitutional, unethical, and unnecessary. 

I fully expect Governor Cooper to endorse these intrusive policies as he has ignored freedom and liberty for a year now. As your constituent, I am asking that you take every opportunity afforded you to oppose vaccine passports and protect individual rights. 

Thank you, 

Sample letter 5

I am a constituent writing to request that you support, sponsor, and/or co-sponsor of ANY legislation that prevents vaccine passports. Vaccine passports are unconstitutional, unethical, unnecessary and strip Americans of their rights to liberty, work, bodily autonomy, medical freedom, and family autonomy. 

A country in which the government closely monitors citizens’ healthcare choices and effectively bans healthy citizens from full social participation is the likes of North Korea or China. 

To simplify it, this is a bit like a surgeon suggesting two courses of treatment for a patient’s tumor: surgery to remove the tumor or radiation to shrink it. Imagine that surgeon then forcing you to proceed with radiation, despite your apprehensions of long term effects. That does not happen in a free country! 

This is no different. We can not allow ANY medical procedure, preventative or otherwise, to be forced upon people. 

My final request is that you, as our voice, hear ours and please support ANY legislation that prevents vaccine passports on behalf of your constituents. 

Thank you for hearing my concerns and position on this very important matter. 

Sample letter 6

Say no to vaccine passports! Any private medical information that could be used against citizens to incentivize, monetize or in any way prevent travel or movement does not belong in the hands of the government, much less in a “free” country. This is a very personal decision and needs to be left to the individual to decide for themselves whether or not they believe the risks outweigh the proposed benefits. 

Healthcare can never be one size fits all. Even penicillin, a life saving antibiotic to many, can kill those who are allergic. 

The right to decide what happens to our own body is paramount and unalienable. 

Forcing an injection into someone is rape by needle. Withholding goods and services from someone who declines a procedure is blackmail and servitude. North Carolina has no place for either. 

I implore you to be on the right side of history and do everything in your power to oppose vaccine passports while supporting legislation that would protect the citizens of North Carolina. 

Thank you, 

Sample letter 7

History has taught us what God knew all along - blacks are not ¾ human, women are not inferior, and oppression and discrimination are never the answer. 

We are in a crucial point where some want to turn a group of people into second class citizens, with fewer rights and less access to goods and services - those without a Covid-19 vaccine. 

Please don’t let history repeat itself and do whatever you can to prohibit vaccine passports while supporting legislation that would protect the human rights of all North Carolinians. 

Sample letter 8

It is extremely distressing that a vaccine passport, with the help of the Biden administration, is being developed. Governor Cooper did not take the opportunity to denounce this in a recent press conference while many other governors across the country have firmly stated this is unconstitutional. Vaccination passports would discriminate based on physical condition, a violation of the right to Human Dignity. 

And I cannot believe it needs to be said, but coercion has no place in medicine. There is no medicine that is 100% safe for 100% of the population - there will be many and various reasons for people to decline to receive a vaccine, and they are all VALID. To prevent free movement of an individual or prevent commerce because of an individual’s choice to decline a medical procedure is coercion. This is unethical and should be discouraged emphatically instead of being encouraged, especially by government entities. 

Again, I hate to point out the obvious, but if the vaccine works as intended, the vaccinated should not be concerned with anyone else’s vaccination status. In other words, if vaccines work vaccine passports are unnecessary. 

I implore you, as a member of our representative body, to sponsor, or co-sponsor, and support any legislation to prevent this incredible infringement on individual liberty. 

Sample letters addressing how vaccine passports are unconstitutional, unethical, and unnecessary

Sample letter 9

I feel it is my duty to humanity, and to all future generations, to let you know that Vaccine Passports are unconstitutional, unethical, and unnecessary. 

First and foremost, Vaccine Passports are Unconstitutional. Mandating a medical procedure with “death” as a known and listed possible side effect violates the constitutionally protected right to life and due process. I find it unthinkable and incredibly inhumane that anyone would mandate such a product for travel. 

Second, it is absolutely unethical to enforce Vaccine Passports. This coercive policy is unethical, not based in sound science, and violates the medical ethical doctrine of informed consent, in which a patient has the right to accept or decline – without being coerced. There is a long history on this matter, beginning with the Nuremberg Trials. Additionally, warnings and risks – especially with experimental genetic technology – must be taken into account. 

Lastly, such Vaccine Passports are totally unnecessary. A “vaccines for travel” policy is premised on the erroneous assumption that public health requires total vaccination of a population. Immunity is not even well understood with the virus, and not established yet for the vaccine. Under normal circumstances, so-called “herd immunity thresholds” can normally be reached through a mix of preexisting, naturally acquired, & vaccine-based immunity. There is absolutely no need for universal vaccination – especially if many have already recovered. 

Based on the above stated facts, I ask that you please support, sponsor, and cosponsor ANY legislation that would prevent vaccine passports. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 

Sample letter 10

What dystopian nightmare are we living in that it is suddenly ok for the U.S. government to help big tech determine where Americans can and cannot travel, shop, or congregate via a vaccine passport? 

To be clear, any private medical information that could be used against U.S. citizens to incentivize, monetize or in any way prevent travel, movement, or shopping options does not belong in the hands of the government as it is completely unconstitutional. 

Further, from December 14, 2020 through March 19, 2021 the US Government received 2,050 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. While these deaths may be considered completely coincidental and unrelated by those in charge of safety, no person should be coerced into undertaking even a perceived medical risk in exchange for living a normal life. 

Lastly, to say that only those who are vaccinated may travel and congregate implies that those who are not vaccinated are somehow infectious, which is not true. It is also not a given that a vaccinated person cannot be infectious.

Science does not support the illogical notion that healthy people can foster an epidemic. It is utterly unnecessary to limit the movement and the economy of healthy people. 

It is vitally important that, as our voice in the legislature, you oppose vaccine passports. They are an incredibly dangerous tech capability equal to China’s social credit system. They have literally no place in a free country. 

Sample letter 11

We have seen our religious freedoms erode this past year. And now with talks of vaccine passports, we are getting dangerously close to returning to a time when those with different beliefs were segregated, discriminated against, and harmed. 

Our founders knew religious freedom was imperative, for in the very first Amendment to the Constitution they wrote: “Congress shall make no law… prohibiting the free exercise [of religion].” 

Vaccine passports directly violate this. It is against many people’s firmly held beliefs to inject themselves with toxic chemicals, inject with animal blood or aborted fetal cells, or to potentially alter their genes—the Covid-19 vaccine is actually a gene therapy as recognized by the American Society of Gene + Cell Therapy. Please vote against anything allowing vaccine passports and work with others to pass legislation that would prohibit them in North Carolina. 

Below are talking points regarding the unconstitutional, unethical, and unnecessary realities of Vaccine Passports that can be used to make public statements at hearings, phone calls, or to act as a foundation to draft your own letters. Usually, when calling legislators, it's best to have a short statement ready to leave as a voicemail or as a message for their assistant to pass along to them. You might consider saying something like, "I am strongly opposed to any form of vaccine passports and ask that you support legislation to prevent them from being implemented in North Carolina. I also ask that you oppose any legislation that could be used to promote vaccine mandates or passports." 

Vaccine passports are: 

1.    Unconstitutional: 

• Any general requirement of proof of “vaccines for travel” imposes unequal burdens on un-vaccinated travelers. Even if not an absolute requirement, imposing extra costs like quarantines for refusing the vaccine is obviously a way of coercing people into taking it. 

• Every one of the current Covid-19 vaccine on the market is tainted somehow with abortion - an abhorrent practice to many with strongly held religious beliefs. Limiting participation in everyday activities for refusing to partake in the practice - even peripherally - is a violation of the religious freedom protected by the First Amendment. 

• A “vaccines for travel” policy automatically creates a two-tier society, divided into the vaccinated, who could travel freely, & the un-vaccinated – whose travel privileges are revoked. Think about what that means for social and legal equality and the future and stability of an avowedly democratic society. 

• Vaccine passports are not just about Covid-19: they are about introducing global health surveillance and coercive medical interventions, that fundamentally shift the traditional voluntary relationship that should exist between individuals and those in power. 

• Privacy violations continue to pile up – with public announcements and tracking of one’s immune status, testing status, health, medical and religious beliefs. 

• A world in which the government (no longer of the people, by the people, for the people) closely monitors citizens’ healthcare choices and effectively bans healthy citizens from full social participation because they weigh the risks of a vaccine differently or decline a proposed course of treatment is cruel, intolerant, unconstitutional and illegal. 

• Any private medical information that could be used against citizens to incentivize, monetize or in any way prevent travel or movement does not belong in the hands of the government. • Vaccination passports would discriminate based on physical condition, a violation of the right to Human Dignity. 

• There is no liability for injury and death associated with Covid-19 vaccinations which infringes on Seventh Amendment rights right to a jury trial. Without liability, there are literally no consumer safeguards. 

• Mandating a medical procedure with “death” as a known and listed possible side effect violates constitutionally protected right to life and due process. 

2.    Unethical: 

• This coercive policy is unethical, not based in sound science and violates the medical ethical doctrine of informed consent, in which a patient has the right to accept or decline – without being coerced. There is a long history on this matter, beginning with the Nuremberg Trials. 

• From December 14, 2020 through March 19, 2021 the US Government received 2,050 reports of death among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. While these deaths may be considered completely coincidental and unrelated by those in charge of safety, no person should be coerced into undertaking even a perceived medical risk. 

• Reported vaccine injuries must be taken seriously, and where there is medical risk, there must be voluntary consent without coercion. 

• Removal of liability removes a necessary market indicator of safety: litigation. Litigation in open court with unimpeded discovery is necessary to ensure product safety. 

• Government safety monitoring systems are woefully inadequate, relying on outdated and passive reporting systems. Medical professionals are ill-equipped in identifying and reporting vaccine injury - another impediment to safety monitoring. The true safety profile of these drugs will take years to determine through epidemiological study. 

• A study commissioned by the CDC and conducted by Harvard Pilgrim HMO concluded that less than 1% of all vaccine injury and death are reported. The true safety profile of these drugs will take years to determine through epidemiological study. 

• Passive reporting systems fail to account for deaths: the deceased do not report. The underreporting of injuries and and especially deaths assumes a safety profile. Mandating a medical procedure without an accurate safety profile is not only unethical but criminal. 

• Current Covid-19 vaccines are issued under Emergency use Authorization - by law individuals can refuse their use. To withhold goods, services, and travel for not participating in a medical procedure is a human rights violation. 

• Doctor/healer advice which must be based upon trust, becomes a doctor order and a command without trust or respect for each human’s sovereign rights. Natural health choices and alternatives (such as dietary supplementation, homeopathy, and religious practices) are being simultaneously threatened by regulations when there is nothing more personal or private than how one cares for their body. Your office would do well not to encourage such practices. 

• If you have scientific grounds for placing your faith in these vaccines, you should be perfectly able to convince people – especially those most at risk – to take them through rational persuasion rather than by coercion and incentives. 

• Emergency orders and all health measures must respect the voluntary consent of the human being. Powers should be of limited duration, for exceptional circumstances and use the least intrusive, least restrictive means. 

• Warnings and risks – especially with experimental genetic technology – must be taken into account. 

• How these vaccines will affect people in coming months or years is unknown. The risk of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is real, i.e. that vaccinated individuals exposed to new viral strains may be at increased risk compared to those who have not been vaccinated. This potentially lethal risk is well-known to vaccine experts and is one of the main reasons why vaccine manufacturers refuse to accept liability for future injuries and deaths. 

• There are critical unknowns about COVID-19 vaccination efficacy on transmission, duration of protection against severe disease and asymptomatic infection, duration of immunity (following infection or vaccination), long-term protection after using different vaccination intervals, protection after a single dose, and vaccination regimes.

3. Unnecessary: 

• To say that only those who are vaccinated may travel and congregate implies that those who are not vaccinated are somehow infectious which is not true. Covid-19 vaccines are being administered with Emergency Use Authorization. 

• If the vaccine works as intended, the vaccinated should not be concerned with anyone else’s vaccination status. 

• Studies have identified individuals who are at significant risk of adverse effects of Covid-19. The vast majority of the population are not at risk for severe outcomes of SARS-Cov-2 infection meaning vaccination for the general public is not necessary. 

• A “vaccines for travel” policy is premised on the erroneous assumption that public health requires total vaccination of a population. Immunity is not even well understood with the virus, and not established yet for the vaccine. Under normal circumstances, so-called “herd immunity thresholds” can normally be reached through a mix of pre-existing, naturally acquired, & vaccine-based immunity. There is absolutely no need for universal vaccination – especially if many have already recovered. 

• If you have scientific grounds for placing your faith in these vaccines, you should be perfectly able to convince people – especially those most at risk – to take them through rational persuasion rather than by coercion and incentives. 

• Coerced vaccinations will only raise more heightened consumer concerns. 

• The number one indicator of severe outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection is age, second is significant co-morbidities including obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. Vaccination outside these populations should be a choice. For the vast majority of individuals, infection is mild making vaccination unnecessary.