
Lawyers Warn Parents About NC's Dangerous Child Consent Law
Lawyers have warned leaders of HEALNC that North Carolina has one of the most dangerous minor consent laws in the country. The danger is real -- we have recently learned of a tragic incident that might have been avoided had the teen's parents been aware that he had been receiving medical treatment.
07.19.24 03:29 PM - Comment(s)
Medical Freedom Makes Front Page of NC Newspaper
Medical freedom made the front page of the Asheville Tribune! They reported on NC's shocking law that denies parents the ability to consent to controversial medical treatments. The sales rate for this issue was extremely high, and clicks on their website have also been high.
07.19.24 01:30 PM - Comment(s)
November General Election is Fast Approaching - We Need Your Help Vetting Candidates
HEALNC is working with Stand For Health Freedom to expand our health freedom voter guide for November's Election. You can ask your local candidates to complete Stand For Health Freedom's candidate survey. Here's an easy way to do it.
07.18.24 06:46 PM - Comment(s)
Is Forgiveness Good for Your Health and Your Life?
The act of forgiveness is more than something nice we do for other people. Not only is forgiveness a loving gift you can give yourself, it has been scientifically proven to result in an overall improvement in physical and mental well-being.
07.18.24 06:33 PM - Comment(s)
URGENT: Stop NC Children from Being Able to Consent to Vaccines and Other Controversial Therapies
We have an urgent situation in NC this week. Bottom line -- at this moment children of any age in NC are able to make their own medical decisions (including the decision to vaccinate) WITHOUT their parents’ knowledge or consent. Here's what you can do to stop this.
06.19.24 08:58 PM - Comment(s)
HEALNC Newsletter Celebrates 1-year Anniversary: Check Out Our Most Popular and Groundbreaking Articles
The HEALNC Newsletter celebrates its 1-year anniversary this month! We have reported breaking NC health freedom news not always available elsewhere. Check out some of our top stories this year.
06.18.24 08:08 PM - Comment(s)
Winston-Salem Integrative Medical Practice Now Offers Wellness Care to Pediatric Patients
We invite you to listen to our interview with NC medical freedom heroes, Dr. Wiggy Saunders and his wife Emily. Learn about what differentiates integrative medicine, Dr. Wiggy's new pediatric offerings, and the creation of North Carolina Physicians for Freedom.
06.18.24 07:57 PM - Comment(s)
Progress in the Legislature Regarding WHO Pandemic Treaty and Minor Consent
Concerned about the WHO Pandemic Treaty? HEALNC is part of an NC-based health coalition that is meeting with NC legislators in an effort to inform them of health freedom issues. The most recent meeting was focused on the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the shortcomings of the Parents' Bill of Rights.
05.19.24 06:05 PM - Comment(s)
NC Law Firm, Envisage Law, Represents High Profile Medical Freedom Clients 
From representing former NY Times columnist Alex Berenson in his free speech cases against Twitter and Biden to representing members of the NC Symphony who were fired for refusing the COVID vaccine, Raleigh-based Envisage Law has become a leading voice for freedom in North Carolina and nationally.
05.19.24 06:04 PM - Comment(s)
Sleep Better By Turning Your iPhone Blue Light Background to Red - Here's How
Exposure to your phone's blue light screen suppresses melatonin production and can disrupt your sleep. Learn an easy iPhone hack that can switch your blue light to a near infrared tint that promotes melatonin production and tissue repair.
05.19.24 12:51 PM - Comment(s)
The Women Having Babies Underground: The legal landscape for home births varies by state, leaving some moms outside the law
NC requires home birth midwives to be Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM), registered nurses with graduate level training. Demand for home birth has outpaced the supply of CNM's. There is a movement percolating to legalize specifically and highly trained Certified Professional Midwives in our state.
05.06.24 06:19 AM - Comment(s)
NC Pushing Back on the WHO Pandemic Treaty
NC Medical Freedom Groups and NC Lawmakers are working together to create legislation that re-asserts the sovereignty of our state and restricts the power of the WHO. What is the process to pass legislation and how can you help?
04.20.24 06:34 AM - Comment(s)
Many Health Freedom Candidates Won their Primaries: Next Step - Vet our Local Candidates
Learn more about who won key races in the March primaries. Help us find health freedom candidates in your local area so we can promote them in the general election in November.
04.19.24 09:36 AM - Comment(s)
Sulforaphane, Found in Broccoli, has Been Shown to Reduce the Risk of Cancer
What happens to our bodies is only 30% genetic –the other 70% is controlled by what we do in our daily lives, particularly by what we choose to eat, according to Dr. Vijaya Surampudi MD from the Division of Human Nutrition at UCLA.
04.19.24 08:42 AM - Comment(s)
Childhood Vaccine Schedule Swells to 90 Doses
In the early 1980s, drug companies were under the crushing weight of litigation with one product line, vaccines. There were only a handful recommended for children at that time. But all that was about to change.
03.19.24 09:38 AM - Comment(s)
Mask Rule Mandate Not Adopted by Dobson
Medical Freedom advocates in NC came together recently to express our opposition to the mask and social distancing rule being considered by the Department of Labor. Thanks to your efforts, DOL Commissioner Josh Dobson had ample ammunition to reject the proposal.
03.19.24 08:43 AM - Comment(s)
Hormonal Birth Control: Are you in Control or is it Controlling you?
The Birth Control Pill, the most common form of hormonal birth control, has been touted for decades as the key to reproductive freedom for women. While it is effective at preventing pregnancy, it doesn't come without risks. Could it even change who you're attracted to?
03.18.24 09:18 PM - Comment(s)
Dirty Dozen and Clean 15:  The Lists That Should Join You at the Grocery Store
Learn about the fruits and veggies you can purchase conventionally, and which ones should be organically grown. Small changes really do add up. By purchasing organic only where most necessary, your grocery bill will go down.
03.18.24 04:31 PM - Comment(s)
NC Law Paves Way for Pharma to Control Children's Healthcare Without Parental Consent
Did you know your minor child can be legally administered vaccines, birth control pills, puberty blockers, or antidepressants, and you may never find out? NC health laws dating back to the 70s in conjunction with HIPAA eliminate your knowledge and decision making regarding your child's health care.
02.19.24 06:22 PM - Comment(s)
NC Public Health Commission Reviewing Fluoride Science
After 80 years of debate about the safety of fluoride in our drinking water, the NC Public Health Commission is finally reviewing the science.
02.19.24 05:51 PM - Comment(s)