
Blog categorized as Health

Sleep Better By Turning Your iPhone Blue Light Background to Red - Here's How
Exposure to your phone's blue light screen suppresses melatonin production and can disrupt your sleep. Learn an easy iPhone hack that can switch your blue light to a near infrared tint that promotes melatonin production and tissue repair.
05.19.24 12:51 PM - Comment(s)
Sulforaphane, Found in Broccoli, has Been Shown to Reduce the Risk of Cancer
What happens to our bodies is only 30% genetic –the other 70% is controlled by what we do in our daily lives, particularly by what we choose to eat, according to Dr. Vijaya Surampudi MD from the Division of Human Nutrition at UCLA.
04.19.24 08:42 AM - Comment(s)
Hormonal Birth Control: Are you in Control or is it Controlling you?
The Birth Control Pill, the most common form of hormonal birth control, has been touted for decades as the key to reproductive freedom for women. While it is effective at preventing pregnancy, it doesn't come without risks. Could it even change who you're attracted to?
03.18.24 09:18 PM - Comment(s)
Dirty Dozen and Clean 15:  The Lists That Should Join You at the Grocery Store
Learn about the fruits and veggies you can purchase conventionally, and which ones should be organically grown. Small changes really do add up. By purchasing organic only where most necessary, your grocery bill will go down.
03.18.24 04:31 PM - Comment(s)
Measles!? Should We Be Afraid?
The AAP has announced that measles outbreaks have been reported in multiple states. As of this writing, there have been a "nearly a dozen" measles cases this year so far in the U.S.
02.19.24 05:15 PM - Comment(s)
Wireless Wisdom: Why & How to Use Technology Safely
What’s the deal with wireless radiation, and what can we do about it? Learn why and how to use your cell phone more safely, and how to protect your family.
02.19.24 11:26 AM - Comment(s)
Intermittent Fasting - Fad or Life Saver?
Intermittent Fasting has gained popularity in recent years. What is it, and how does it work? And – does it work? Intermittent fasting is not just a hot trend. It brings tangible benefits to our health in such a simple form – eat, don’t eat, eat again.
12.19.23 09:56 PM - Comment(s)
Tired, Overweight, Depressed...Has Your Cortisol Gone Rogue?
Cortisol is known as the master hormone because it regulates many of your body’s functions. Learn how to “Master” the master so that you can maximize your energy and sense of well-being.
12.19.23 09:17 AM - Comment(s)
The Truth About Mammograms
“Preventive medicine… is aggressively assertive, pursuing symptomless individuals and telling them what they must do to remain healthy… It is presumptuous, confident that the interventions it espouses will, on average, do more good than harm…” David L. Sackett, 2002 (CMAJ)
11.16.23 08:59 AM - Comment(s)
It's Like Clockwork! The Effects of Blue and Red Light on Your Sleep and Well-Being
Unlock the secrets of your body's internal clock! Your circadian rhythm is greatly affected by exposure to blue light and red light. It's time to sync up with your body's natural rhythms for better sleep and a healthier lifestyle.
11.15.23 05:42 PM - Comment(s)
Mainstream doctors and scientists are now questioning vaccine safety
Before Covid, questioning the safety of vaccines was seen by most physicians and media personalities as absurd. However, there are some big personalities and highly credentialed doctors now speaking up. Could the shattering of the "safe and effective" vaccine paradigm be upon us?
10.02.23 02:29 PM - Comment(s)
Fevers and Other Acute Symptoms: A Cleansing Process
We are taught to fear the fever. As soon as it appears, we try to get rid of it. But, are we actually fighting against what was sent to heal and protect us from illness? One of our HEAL team members shares her perspective.
10.02.23 02:29 PM - Comment(s)
Lemon balm: An Intro to Backyard Herbs and Their Uses #2
Another backyard favorite with many medicinal properties and a delicious minty, slightly citrus aroma. Learn about why you want this herb to make its home in your yard, and how to use it to help your family.
09.19.23 09:44 AM - Comment(s)
DMSO: A Hidden Treasure
“I don’t care if DMSO is the major drug of our century, and we all know it is, it isn’t worth it to us.” These were the words of a pharmaceutical executive in 1980. Learn more about this powerful healing agent in our blog.
08.17.23 04:47 PM - Comment(s)
Sourdough Bread Joy! - Fermented Foods #1
Can’t you smell it?! There are few things more comforting than hot, crusty sourdough coming out of the oven. Think of biting into a steaming slice slathered in rich butter! Loaves, boules, batards...
08.17.23 04:46 PM - Comment(s)
Mint: An Intro to Backyard Herbs and Their Uses #1
Some of the most beneficial herbs are growing wild in some backyards -- even considered weeds, at times. Those who know better will seek out these varieties every spring and eagerly plant them. In this post, you'll learn a few simple ways to enjoy the often plentiful harvest of mint.
07.19.23 01:02 PM - Comment(s)
Mother Knows Best. Trust Your Instincts
We are taught in society from the very beginning to trust “the experts.” We are told that a stamp of letters indicating years of education after a name lends “validation” to an opinion offered in a doctor’s office or blaring from our television or phone screens. Can a mother's intuition be trusted?
07.19.23 10:59 AM - Comment(s)
Colloidal Silver Uses

During the Middle Ages, people found that the wealthy were spared from many of the illnesses that wreaked havoc on the poorer populations, and those rich were referred to as ones "born with a silver spoon in their mouth" referencing the use of real silver utensils in rich households. Wheth...

06.24.23 01:29 PM - Comment(s)
Benefits of Colloidal Silver Gel

I discovered the healing benefits of colloidal silver gel by accident. When my son was four years old, he complained that his knee was hurting when he knelt on it or put any pressure on it. Upon inspection I could see that he had an infection under the skin. It was red, swollen and hot to the touch....

05.27.23 08:09 AM - Comment(s)
UTI Rescue!

If you or someone you love has ever dealt with UTIs, you know it can be miserable! The solution offered by modern medicine is a course of antibiotics, which can often leave you with a cascade of other issues leading to a lasting cycle of unwellness. Like an atomic bomb, they come in and destroy...

05.03.22 09:55 PM - Comment(s)